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Review of the film, including Krypto and Scooby-Doo!

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    Scooby Doo is not just a Great Dane, a lifelong companion of Shaggy Rogers and a dog loved by generations, he is also an accidental sleuth who believes in solving mysteries, by chance. If you hadn’t imagined what would be the result of a collaboration between Mystery Inc’s super dog and the real ‘Superdog’, then don’t worry, because their worlds have collided.

    In yet another Mystery Inc crossover with the DC Superhero universe, our ‘heroes’ join hands with Krypto the Superdog in Scooby-Doo and Krypto Too to investigate the disappearance of the Justice League.

    The story begins with the Daily Planet’s dynamic duo of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson, who were in the Hall of Justice. An attack by Phantoms forces them to call on the most famous meddling kids. In the absence of superheroes, the city is a mess but the mystery deepens when none of the supervillains is found responsible for the disappearance of the good guys.

    Hence, it’s left to Scooby-Doo to save the day, who has help from Krypto, but unlike DC League of Super Pets, it isn’t the talking type. Its nemesis is Rex Ruthor, Lex Luthor’s mechanical dog, who is also unable to speak.

    After the failures of Scoob and Velma, a full-length animated film was required to bring the franchise back on track, and Scooby-Doo and Krypto, Too! has done the trick.

    There are a few funny incidents in the movie; no one remembers Lex as the President USA (he was President in comics), Jimmy and Lois fail to recognise people without glasses (a take on Superman/Clark Kent identity), and the final fight which gives a Transformers touch to it.

    The movie has references to the likes of Super Friends, Batman: The Animated Series, and Superman: The Movie.

    The best part is that Scooby and Shaggy seem a little braver in this movie, while the opening credits give a ‘Superman The Movie’ touch to it.

    Daphne, presented as Jimmy Olsen’s girlfriend is a mistake, which takes Fred’s jealousy to the next level. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson are restricted to opening scenes and unexpectedly have little presence.

    Directed by Cecilia Aranovich, the movie features the voices of Frank Welker, Matthew Lillard, Grey Griffin, Kate Micucci, Nolan North, Tara Strong, and Charles Halford, who appears as Lex Luthor. It is a perfect trip to the world of superheroes and doesn’t disappoint at all. In short, it’s nothing short than a dream come true, if you love Scooby Doo and the gang. Everyone does that except those they apprehend!

    Published in Dawn, Young World, October 7th, 2023


    Article information

    Author: Robert Joseph

    Last Updated: 1700240522

    Views: 1216

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (78 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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    Name: Robert Joseph

    Birthday: 1978-04-22

    Address: 86897 Johnson Mountains Suite 900, Port Tyler, MI 53988

    Phone: +3826116560154177

    Job: Blockchain Developer

    Hobby: Gardening, Wildlife Photography, Writing, Raspberry Pi, Juggling, Aquarium Keeping, Pottery

    Introduction: My name is Robert Joseph, I am a dear, talented, unswerving, radiant, rich, striking, vivid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.