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Expecting a Soaring Market Size, Crypto ATM Prospects Are on the Rise | Taiwan News | 2023-11-01 07:30:34

Crypto ATM Prospects on the Rise Anticipating Market Size’s Soaring Outlook

Report Ocean has released a research study titled “Crypto ATM Market 2023 Forecast to 2031 Analysis by Market Trends.” This study offers precise economic forecasts, global assessments, and country-level insights. It provides a comprehensive view of the competitive market and includes an in-depth supply chain analysis to identify significant industry changes. The study explores the current market status, anticipated future growth, technological advancements, investment opportunities, market economics, and financial data. It thoroughly examines the market and offers insights based on a SWOT analysis of the industry.

Crypto ATM Market is valued at approximately USD 39.0 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 54.7 % over the forecast period 2022-2028. Crypto ATM is basically used to transfer cryptocurrency easily through an ATM machine. Cryptocurrency is an alternative form of payment to cash, check and credit cards. The rising digital fund transfer has led to the adoption of Crypto ATM across the forecast period. For Instance: according to the International Monetary Fund in 2020, the digital forms of money transfer boons the emerging market and the lower economies, according to the source the adoption of digital money transactions is expanding rapidly over 95 countries, an amount of approximately USD 2 billion transacted through digital modes every day.

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Increasing installation of Crypto ATMs in bars, restaurants, and general stores etc pushes the growth of the Crypto ATM Market Also, with the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrency across industries., the adoption & demand for Crypto ATMs is likely to increase the market growth during the forecast period. However, lack of awareness and technological knowledge impedes the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2022-2028.

Major market players included in this report are:

VIDEO: Bloomberg Crypto 11/15/2023
Bloomberg Television

GENERAL BYTES (Czech Republic)

Genesis Coin (US)

Lamassu (UK)


Bitaccess (Canada)

Coinme (US)

Coinsource (US)

BitXatm (German)

Orderbob (Austria)

RusBit (Russia)

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Crypto ATM Market Trends:

  • Global Expansion: The crypto ATM market is witnessing rapid global expansion, with an increasing number of machines installed in various countries, facilitating access to cryptocurrencies for a broader audience.
  • Diversification of Cryptocurrencies: Crypto ATMs are offering support for a wider range of cryptocurrencies, beyond Bitcoin, including Ethereum, Litecoin, and various altcoins, to meet diverse customer preferences.
  • Two-Way ATMs: Two-way crypto ATMs, allowing users to both buy and sell cryptocurrencies, are growing in popularity, offering increased flexibility and functionality.
  • Compliance and Regulation: The industry is adapting to evolving cryptocurrency regulations, with many crypto ATM operators implementing KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) procedures to meet legal requirements.
  • Integration with Mobile Wallets: Crypto ATMs are increasingly integrated with mobile wallet apps, simplifying the buying and selling process and providing a seamless user experience.
  • Increased Security Features: Enhanced security measures, including biometric authentication, are being incorporated into crypto ATMs to protect against fraud and unauthorized transactions.
  • Educational Initiatives: Crypto ATM operators are providing educational resources to users, including tutorials and information about cryptocurrencies, to improve awareness and understanding.
  • Sustainability Efforts: Some crypto ATM operators are exploring sustainable options, such as renewable energy sources and reduced energy consumption, aligning with environmental sustainability goals.

The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:

VIDEO: Why Bitcoin ATMs Are Taking Over Malls And Gas Stations Across The U.S.

By Type:

One Way

Two Way

By Automatic Teller Machine Hardware:



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By Region:

North America










Asia Pacific





South Korea


Latin America



Rest of the World

Table of Contents:

VIDEO: How to Use a Bitcoin ATM to Buy or Send Bitcoin (More than $1000) - Step by Step Guide
  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Methodology
  4. Market Overview
  5. Market Analysis
    1. Market Size and Forecast
    2. Market Trends
    3. Market Dynamics
    4. Market Segmentation
  6. Competitive Landscape
    1. Competitive Scenario
    2. Key Players
  7. Regional Analysis
    1. Regional Market Overview
    2. Market Size and Forecast by Region
  8. Product/Service Analysis
    1. Product/Service Overview
    2. Market Size and Forecast by Product/Service
  9. End-User Analysis
    1. End-User Overview
    2. Market Size and Forecast by End-User
  10. Industry Structure
  11. Key Findings and Recommendations
  12. Conclusion

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